DRM -Digitally Removed Matter. No, wait, that's Digital Rights Management. Both are bad. Why should we lost out to pirates and their superior versions of games? Also: GUYS! LOOK! I managed to update the style of these videos to include other video clips! A video that took so long to make and went through so many iterations that I literally said 'f this sh', closed down Vegas and Hammer and took 2 days off last weekend, as explained below: http://youtu.be/-NLlNECZiMs Yup, it was Deus Ex HR DC for me, along with a sprinking of Rome 2 Total War, both protected by everybody's favourite anti-piracy system: STEAM. Check out my channels: ● 3kliksphilip: https://www.youtube.com/3kliksphilip ● 2kliksphilip: https://www.youtube.com/2kliksphilip ● kliksphilip: https://www.youtube.com/kliksphilip Other information you might like: ● Website: http://3kliksphilip.com ● Twitter: https://twitter.com/3kliksphilip ● PC Specs: Intel 3770K, 16 GB RAM, Geforce 670 2 GB.